I went climbing. Two thousand feet above the sea. In the clouds. And in the clouds there was a ladder. A single ladder. Starting from no where and going upwards to nowhere. I cried and cried because I could not climb it.
* Faustus from Snakes & Ladders
You think I'm a cold hearted bitch don’t you? I'm not. I'm practical. I've stopped reading this stuff. "Child gets electrocuted, farmer commits suicide, plane crashes, trains collide, woman gang raped."And you don't give a shit. Read the comics, do the crossword. Then one day, "Boyfriend smashed by lorry." And you can't ignore it."Died alone. Future cancelled. Survived by bereaved bitch. Plans of marriage dashed. Dreams gone absconding."Why can't it be someone else?
* Megha from Dancing on Glass
See I'm lumbering along right. And we're done clearing one section of trees. All of a sudden we hear shouts of "Fire fire!" And we all freak out and begin the emergency procedures. We run the elephants to the river and get them to spray water on the trees. To prevent the fire from burning the lumber stores. And then we see it. Hell would have been cooler. No licking tongues of fire, no dancing flames. This wave of super heated air sweeps in and everything explodes. One minute tree. Next minute whoomp and there's an outline in flames and then it falls. Everything started going up! Four hundred year old trees explode. Molten sap flies all over the place and lands on screaming men and panic stricken elephants. The men nearest the tree line light up like leaves and fall to ashes. That was hellfire… that was volcanic wrath eating the trees. And who should come walking along doing his cool hero walk through the inferno with his magnificent bow?
* Daksha from WarSong
Stay with me. Just over that way is a tiny plateau. It’s off the main path. There’s a heart shaped aquifer there. Gorgeous. A little heart shaped, cool waters. With the moon on it, the surface looks like crystal. I’ve pitched my tent there. I’m staying the night.
* Zamiel from Crab
I wanted to see why they say cats always landed on their feet. So I used to throw Kitty off of different heights, to see how she landed. One night I climbed up on the roof with her and threw her into the pool from there. The problem was that my Dad had drained the pool that day while I had been at school so I didn’t know about it. And you can’t make out at night because the pool lights were off. So instead of splosh! I hear patchack_
* Pandu from Square Root of Minus One
You are lying. You are a liar. You are a liar because you are lying. You are lying because you are a liar. Is that true?
* Agent Orange from There is No Spoon!
The game is such. Now what’s important is that they find you. You must not find them. It defeats the purpose of this mad quest. If there is such thing in the world. Any world. Ah! Alas! Fie on it! S’wounds. S’blood. The existential angst that hovers around us like a gloomy mist, often curls around and about the spirit like strings of phlegm spewing out in slow motion as you sneeze. In such circumstances we must travel the world, travel the worlds, in search of that one blissful truth which will still the soul like a hiccup that happens just when you’re swallowing water. Hic. Ah! Alas! Fie on it! S’wounds. S’blood.
* Fu from Straitblackjacket
Perhapsthereturntotheprimordialsoupisnotmetaphoricalinthesensethatthereturntothe basicsisnotwithoutsomequandaryconundrumquasiquantumquestquestioningsoulscorching (pause) dilemma. The sacred cow is my nemesis.
* Khan from Rubbish
The carnival was life. But with time, life slowed down. One day three people were on the Ferris wheel. They fell asleep. The Ferris wheel fell off its hinges and rolled away. It left two spokes sticking out of the ground. There was a bright flash of light.
* 17 from The Dead Metaphor