Friday, March 14, 2008

Creeper creeps to Ninasam

Starring Abhishek Majumdar and Mallika Prasad
Written and directed by Ram Ganesh Kamatham

Sunday 23rd March (7:30pm) at Nani Arena
Centre for Film and Drama, 5th Floor,
Sona Towers, 71, Millers Road, Bangalore

Wednesday 26th March at Ninasam, Heggodu
as part of the Not the Drama Seminar - Theatre Practice in India Today
by the Prithvi Theatre, Mumbai
"There is a box on stage."
"There is a light on the box."
"We do not know what is inside the box."
Creeper is a modern re-imagination of the tale of Vikram and Betal. The play slams this mythos into a contemporary urban setting with a racy text and powerhouse performances – creating a shadowy world that is immediately recognizable yet bizarre and entertaining.